(406) 586-2333


Men’s League’s

2024 League players have until Friday, March 14th to register for the 2025 league season. Starting Monday, March 17th, open registration will begin for any new players at 10am. 

The men start the week of April 28th and run through the week of August 18th. Golfers can join a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday night league. The format is a two person team playing another two person team and we use tee times running from 5:07 until 6:20 pm. The league fee is $60 per person and we require that you have an updated GHIN handicap ($40), plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. 

Monday Night Men’s League

2025 Monday Night Men’s League starts April 28th and runs through August 18th. The format is a two person team playing another two person team and we use tee times running from 5:07 until 6:19 pm. The league fee is $60 per person plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. A USGA GHIN hadicap is required for the league season, which is $40, and good for a whole year! No league on Memorial Day, May 26th.

Tuesday Night Men’s League

2025 Tuesday Night Men’s League starts April 29th and runs through August 12th. The format is a two person team playing another two person team and we use tee times running from 5:07 until 6:19 pm. The league fee is $60 per person plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. A USGA GHIN handicap is required for the league season, which is $40 and valid for a whole year!

Tuesday Morning Men’s League

2025 Tuesday Morning Men’s League starts May 13th and runs through July 29th. The format is a two person team playing another two person team and tee times start at 7:30am. The league fee is $60 per person plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. A USGA GHIN handicap is required for the league season, which costs $40 and is valid for a whole year! 


Tuesday Morning Men’s Fall League

2025 Tuesday Morning Men’s Fall League starts Tuesday,  August 19th and runs through September 23rd. Sign ups begin Friday, August 8th. The format is a two-person team playing another two-person team and tee times start at 8:30am. The league fee is $40 per person plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. A USGA GHIN handicap is required for each player in order to sign up. 


Wednesday Night Men’s League

2025 Wednesday Night Men’s League starts April 30th and runs through August 12th. The format is a two person team playing another two person team and we use tee times running from 5:07 until 6:19 pm. The league fee is $60 per person plus the weekly green fee for non season pass holders. A USGA GHIN handciap is required for the league season, which costs $40 and is valid for a whole year! 


Wednesday Men’s Fall League

2025 Fall league registration will begin Friday, August 15th. The league starts Wednesday, August 27th with tee times beginning at 4:30pm. The fee per each two-person team will be $80. No USGA Handicap will be required. Each week consists of a certain game, such as a 2-persom scramble, chapman, and more!


Treat Yourself to a Day at the Course

Call For a Tee Time